In the early months after Amy's arrival, there was many a day and week when I felt I was drowning in depression. Despite being a second time mum, I felt hopeless, helpless. My partner, Robert, spent 4 hours a day commuting, so it was quite normal for me to do a 14 - 18 hour day as a single parent.
I knew what (PND) signs to look for. I knew my pregnancy panic attacks might make me more susceptible. And I had all the local community help/ support information at hand. For some reason, though, I fought to keep my own head above water and lean on Robert for help.
But when the door opened for me to join a mother's group with a creative twist I jumped at it. Held at the local community centre, the fortnightly gatherings involved 2 1/2 hrs of open discussion and a some form of simple creative expression, such as collage or painting (all for $6!). Just days after my first attendance, I received a call from a local potter running classes just two streets from my house. I had enquired six months earlier and she was following up to offer me a class spot. I jumped at that too.
It's been three months since I started and I truly believe both classes have been life saving. It's breathed new life into my writing (my book), and given me vital time to freely explore and express a whole other side of myself. The benefits of taking regular time out for me and focusing on simple, positive and creative stuff has been incredible.
And it's got me wondering...what are other mums getting from creative projects that are keeping their heads above water? Can creative expression reduce post natal depression?
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