I thought I was the perfect parent...then I had children. (Anon)

MotherLoad to MotherLove is the title of my (yet to be published) motherhood book.
Mum Sanctuary is the video blog that saved my sanity.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Surrender the night

I finally conceded defeat and surrendered to the fact that life with a six month old is exhausting. She's feeding like a beast and growing like a beanstalk. And for that I should be grateful. However, it does mean her appetite and emerging first teeth have had her up and searching for booby many times through the night. I've been an agly sight in the mornings, rising like a fire breathing dragony bitch (good for no-one in my house). So, I've booked us in for Tresillian (sleep school).
In the meantime, I've made a few changes to my own routine (the one I can control). I'm going to bed just after the kids. I'm using my meditation CDs again. And I'm wearing my earplugs so I only wake to her cries (not every little sound she makes).
Funnily enough, since starting my new outine these past few days she's sleeping better and only woken for a couple of feeds through the night. Although going to bed by 8/ 8.30 might be a bit bloody boring, it means that I can get a few hours under my belt (as she alwayas seems to sleep best before midnight). Things are on the improve (touch wood).



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